In line with the Presidential Proclamation No. 760, signed by the late president Benigno Aquino dated May 05, 2014, mandating every month of January as the “National Zero Waste Month”. The same marks as significant milestone which marks the 20th day of the said month signing anniversary of the Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Mgt. Act of 2000. This campaign is celebrated to advocate and promote the designing and managing products and processes to avoid and eradicate the volume and toxicity of waste products.
To strengthen and highlight the advocacy of this celebration on the management of the solid waste disposal, the DENR PENRO AGUSAN DEL Norte will initiate the posting of tarpaulins relative to the celebration in consonance to RA 9003 to dispense and infiltrate to the community the awareness and the significant niche of the management and proper waste disposal to the environment per RA 9003 act of 2000.